Patrons coming to the concert are encouraged to bring their own mobile device to access program notes during the concert and, for The Poet’s Home, a link to a page flip.
Tickets: $25 Adults, $20 concession and full time students. To book tickets at TryBooking click here
To download a poster click here.
2nd edition poster with composers names click here.
Download a banner click here
Australian composers were invited in 2019 to submit compositions that would be workshopped and performed by The Grainger Wind Symphony in 2020. Unfortunately because of the COVID lockdowns, the concert was postponed in 2020 and 2021. This year, the short-listed composers were given detailed feedback as suggestions for improvement. Score and parts were resubmitted, then printed, rehearsed, workshopped and performed in the concert on the 3rd September. These composers were generous with their time and expertise to give their compositions to this project. Composers will receive a recording of an early rehearsal and the final performance to help them analyse the sound of live instruments and performers bringing their work to life.
Prior to the concert at 6.30pm in a Pre-concert Talk: Meet The Composers, the composers will form a panel to discuss composing. This would be interest to music students interested in composing. As some composers live interstate, not all will be present. We are expect 10 of the 12!
For a PDF copy of the proposed questions click here
Composers in order of surname are as follows. Click on their name to go to another page to see their program note and biography.
Mitchell Alexander “Dances for Winds and Percussion”
George Barsoum “Treachery is Afoot”
Adam George Bizley Brook “Rapscallion’s Rhapsody”
Adam James Cook “Renards mort la nuit” from “Obsèques des animaux des bois”
Nic Courto “Widogast: hands on fire”
Benedict Deane-Johns “Espagnol” 2nd movement from “Concerto for Trumpet and Winds”
Wade Gregory “Shepparton High School (1909-2019)”