This is an invitation to music teachers and community musicians who conduct instrumental music groups to attend two distinct programs of professional development.
Roland Yeung and The Grainger Wind Symphony in partnership with the Australian Band and Orchestra Directors Association (ABODA) Victoria Branch are offering classes and podium time conducting the Grainger Wind Symphony for the professional development of school music teachers.
This program has been offered for over 20 years and complements other conducting professional development in topics such as score study, rehearsal techniques, program planning event management, concert management, adjudication, and preparing for festivals and competitions. Though participants may have little conducting experience, they will bring to the podium their musicianship and management of student musicians.
1. Public Seminar “Beyond the Baton” Jo Heaton
Wednesday 26 June 5.15pm for 5.30pm start to 6.40pm “Beyond The Baton” presented by Jo Heaton, a PhD candidate at Sydney Conservatorium. This is open to the public.
Abstract of Presentation (abridged)
Conducting can be understood to be an exchange of energy and innate leadership. The physical technique of conducting may be the means to communicate musical data such as style, dynamics, tempo and articulation, however the essence of the art of conducting exists beyond (and often in spite of) the technique. Pedagogical approaches to conducting teach the technique, however it appears that there is not a widely accepted method to teach communication skills that are beyond the technique, and therefore students of the art of conducting are expected to develop these skills on their own.
For more details including the full abstract of the topic and Jo’s biography, click here.
Applications to attend can be made using just the top part of Forms A or B and booked using TryBooking click here
2. One-on-one Conducting Tutorials and Video Workshop
Wednesday 26 June 7.00pm to 10.10pm. You select a mentor who will work with you on a excerpt of band work that you will conduct in the next session. Full participants for the Conducting Workshop select this and the following session. Observers are welcome.
For a list of mentors who are available to be chosen click here. Alternatively Roland can assist you in choosing one.
Between 8.00pm and 10.10pm Full participants attend this live session and have podium time conducting The Grainger Wind Symphony with their mentor on the work that has been prepared.
Immediately after their podium time, their mentor will have a private review session.
The above program of Seminar, One-on-One Tutorial and Video Workshop is concentrated on the one evening providing a rich professional opportunity in the most challenging aspect of conducting.
The Application form for the above program 1., and 2. is Application Form A. To download a form, click here. Return this by email to reserve a place. To make a booking and pay the fees on TryBooking click here.
Final applications for both programs are due by Tuesday 18 June or until all places taken. (Places still available 17/6/19.) Please note that there is a limit to the total number of student concession applications accepted for budget reasons. Priority is given to the first complete applications received. Student Concessions are only offered to full time enrolled university students.
The venue for the Public Seminar, One-on-one Conducting Tutorial, Video Workshop is Blackburn High School Music Centre in Blackburn North, enter off Williams Road car park. Conducting Intensive Classes will be held in Mont Albert North.
3. Conducting Intensive
Starting with an introductory class on Saturday 22 June 9.30am to 12noon (compulsory for new conductors), two other classes to be negotiated, a videoed workshop with podium time conducting The Grainger Wind Symphony Wednesday 17 July 8.00pm to 10.00pm (compulsory), and a final review class on Saturday 27 July from 9.30am.
The Conducting Intensive program is spread out over several weeks spanning the school holidays. This enables full participants to make permanent changes to their conducting. The class program also allows full participants to ask any questions about conducting and build their conducting network for future collaborations.
The Conducting Intensive Program 3 includes free admission to the Public Seminar on Wednesday 26 June. Use Application Form B to apply for this program. To download a form, click here. Return this by email to reserve a place. To make a booking and pay the fee on TryBooking, click here.
Final applications for both programs are due by Tuesday 18 June or until all places taken. (Places still available 17/6/19.) Priority is given to the first complete applications received. Student Concessions are only offered to full time enrolled university students.
The venue for the Public Seminar and Video Workshop, is Blackburn High School Music Centre in Blackburn North, enter off Williams Road car park. Conducting Intensive Classes will be held in Mont Albert North.
Roland Yeung
is the principal clinician, Music Director of the Grainger Wind Symphony and convenor of this Conducting Workshop program. He will lead the Conducting Intensive Program. His biography can be seen on the GWS website click here.
Expressions of interest and questions are welcome by reply email anytime.
Final applications for both programs are due by Tuesday 18 June or until all places taken. Enquiries call Roland on 0432 445577 or email
To make a booking and pay the fee on TryBooking click here.
To download Application Form A click here.
To download Application Form B click here.