Member Awards

The following are members who are acknowledged for their special contribution to The Grainger Wind Symphony.

Artistic Excellence
Stuart Newstead for excellence as principal pianist for the wind symphony, and accompanist for guest artists 2015

Brendan Toohey for excellence as clarinetist in the wind symphony and soloist 2015

Shane Walterfang for excellence as trumpet player in the wind symphony and soloist 2015

Allanah Coldwell for her outstanding performance of Nestico’s Persuasion for saxophone and band 2019

Stuart Andrew for his outstanding work in preparing and performing the Stravinsky Concerto for Piano and Winds 2019

General Service Awards
Tavis Ashton-Bell clarinet player and Concert Manager and Publicity Manager 2004 to March 2018

Robert Clark player 2008-15 and past section manager.

Excellence Awards

Joshua Petherbridge for web site system administrator WordPress and PostNuke, and GWS CRM system architect and system administrator Customer Relations Management system

Michael Taylor for excellence and positive contribution as the lone double bass player enabling the wind symphony to achieve its high standard

Jenny Todd for her high standard as a clarinet player, willingness to be in the team and play different roles

Kate Lock/Brady for excellence in work as concert manager adding a concert series at Deakin Edge, Federation Square

Sally Newstead for her enthusiasm and flexibility in playing different roles in the clarinet section 2019

Long Service Awards

Christine Ewan/Duniam since 2008

Caitlin Stubenrauch since 2008

Shane Hunt since 2008

Tavis Ashton-Bell player since 2004

Nicholas Benbow player since 2002 and section manager to 2016

Maree Gladwin player since 1996

Shane Hunt player since 2006

Jacqueline Jones since 2007

Joshua Petherbridge player since 2003,

Julie Tiedemann player since 1992

Most Committed Section Award

Flute Section 2019 for their outstanding commitment as a section of the wind symphony in being setup and ready before the starting time, excellent attendance, most up-to-date with registration for each event and fees

Section Manager Award 2019

  • For their important work in engaging and supporting players in their section for each concert over a number of years
  • Jacci Jones – Flute and acting Double Reed Section Manager
  • Sophie Caldwell – Clarinet Section Manager
  • Caitlin Stubenrauch – Saxophone Section Manager
  • Tracy Tulloch – Horn Section Manager
  • Stuart Andrew – Low Brass and String Bass, and acting Trumpet Section Manager
  • Stuart Newstead – life member and Percussion Section Manager.

Outstanding Service Awards
Tavis Ashton-Bell concert manager, desktop publisher of programs, academic presenter

Christine Ewan a player since 2008, section manager to 2016, past publicity manager, past acting concert manager and past committee member

Caitlin Franken/Stubenrauch player since 2008 and current section manager

Karman Lee/Melitsis a player and past personnel manager and committee member 2010 to 2015

Paul van Haaster for his services as the GWS non-playing member recording engineer of rehearsals and concerts, and managing the download service for players and conductors 2019

Life Members
Ruth Collins, a player since 1991,  president 2012-2015, past trumpet section manager, player to 2018

Lyle Hoefer, a player since 1988, past section manager and past committee member

Stuart Newstead, a player since 1997, chairperson 1999, current section manager

Robyn Yeung secretary/treasurer, a non-playing member

Roland Yeung music director since 1988, on founding committee 1985.

Last updated 10 December 2017 by R. Yeung