Policy: Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Bullying

The Grainger Wind Symphony, Inc. (GWS) recognises the diversity of its membership and understands that for the organisation to function in the best way, all members must be respected and valued. As such, GWS endeavours to provide members with a safe, respectful, inclusive and flexible work environment free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying.
All members of GWS are required to treat others with dignity, courtesy and respect.
By implementing this policy, GWS sets out that unlawful discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying will not be tolerated. Disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment/cessation of engagement, may be taken against members, players and non-players of The Grainger Wind Symphony community who breach this policy.

The Grainger Wind Symphony fully supports the Australian Live Performance Industry Code of Practice to Prevent Workplace Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Bullying. For more information from Live Performance Australia, click here.

The GWS has just finalised our Policy for Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Bullying. Thanks to committee members Stuart Andrew supported by Allanah Coldwell and Melissa Kennedy for adapting the LPA template for GWS’s policy. The policy was presented at the 2020 AGM and was ratified by the Executive Committee.

The GWs’s Policy: Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Bullying – to download click here

This policy is one of the GWS Policies: Code of Conduct. To go to the parent page, click here.

Roland Yeung 30 October 2020